Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's Poem in Your Pocket Day!

Sure is.

And if you don't have a poem handy (how this is possible, I don't know), you can visit The Academy of American Poets for some suggestions.

Here now is a poem to get your day started off right. From James Wright, the final poem in his Collected Poems:

Northern Pike

All right. Try this,
Then. Every body
I know and care for,
And every body
Else is going
To die in a loneliness
I can't imagine and a pain
I don't know. We had
To go on living. We
Untangled the net, we slit
The body of this fish
Open from the hinge of the tail
To a place beneath the chin
I wish I could sing of.
I would just as soon we let
The living go on living.
An old poet whom we believe in
Said the same thing, and so
We paused among the dark cattails and prayed
For the muskrats,
For the ripples below their tails,
For the little movements that we knew the crawdads
were making under water,
For the right-hand wrist of my cousin, who is a policeman.
We prayed for the game warden's blindness.
We prayed for the road home.
We ate the fish.
There must be something very beautiful in my body,
I am so happy.

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