Thursday, April 30, 2009
1. Liveblog the faculty meetings. Downside: having to read a liveblog from the faculty meetings.
2. In the spirit of puppy cam: GTA cam. We put a plate of WV cookies and some alcohol in 130 Colson and watch as they cavort, nap, and tumble over one another. Downside: ungraded portfolios; extensive cleanup.
Needless to say, if you have better ideas for promoting The Tenants of Colson Hall, we'd love to hear from you.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
August Graduation Deadlines for GRADUATE Students
1. I (Amanda) must have your Application for Graduation by May 29th.
2. All Shuttle Sheet request forms have to be turned in to the Dean's office by Friday, July 10th. This means that I have to have your defense date and time, your committee and a title BEFORE then. I will take care of the paperwork I just need that information before the deadline date.
3. All defenses have to be done BEFORE Tuesday, July 21st. You will need your ETD signature form that day as well. If you don't have a copy of it let me know and I can print one off for you.
4. ALL thesis and dissertations MUST be submitted to WVU libraries by Friday, July 31st.
Please note that ALL deadlines are final and there will be NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please remember to pay your $39.00 graduation fee at Student Accounts located in the basement of Stewart Hall.
***All graduation forms can be found at, then go to academics, choose the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, then choose graduate programs, then forms. NO graduation form will be accepted in pen or pencil if so it will be sent back to you.
Also, keep in mind that all of these forms will need your committee's signatures. Please do not wait until the very last minute to do any of this.
Thank You!!!
Foreign Languages Invites English to a Party

Spectacular Spectacular
Friday, 1 May 2009
6-8:30 pm in G 24 Eiesland Hall
Join us for an evening celebrating foreign languages through plays, skits, songs, music, dance, and poetry in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish! Everyone is welcome, and refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yes, poets do have quite a good time. Thanks for asking.
Just when you start to wonder if the grad poetry workshop really is The Most Fun Ever, you find out something like this….
Tonight’s final class of English 618 featured a buffet of fine foods, followed by workshop, followed by… Miller Lite and bowling in the Mountainlair!
High scorer was Aaron “Jack Tripper” Rote who bowled over 100 though this blogger can’t remember his actual score (114? 124?), probably because it was ever so slightly higher than hers.
Second was graduating poet Erin Veith who scored 98. Nice job and congratulations, Erin! We look forward to hearing you read on Thursday!
Third highest was their beloved teacher, yours truly, who wore her very own bowling shoes (thanks, Dad!) and scored an impressive 92.
All other bowlers---Charity Gingerich, Kori Frazier, Christina Rothenbeck, Lauren Reed, and Tori Moore---also earned very respectable scores.
Danielle Ryle sat this one out, but did provide moral support, which, as everyone knows, is absolutely crucial to good bowling.
Though the pin-setting-down-thing-y was slow and the balls were nicked and pocked and the graphics on the scoreboard were pretty lame (“Good Try!” said a cheerleader), everyone had The Best Time Ever.
The event was commemorated by a photo, taken by The Bowling Dude who, only moments before, had been waxing the lanes and minding his own business.
All in all, it was a magical evening and, of course, the perfect finale to another memorable (and life-changing) poetry workshop.
Finals-Week Advising
Monday 1-3
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 10-12
Thursday 10-12
Summer advising will be handled by administrative assistant Marsha Bisset.
First C.A.L.F. Reading a Success
Jim Greene, ABD
The Best Reading of the Year
… and the social event of the season will happen this Thursday, April 30, when the graduating MFAs read their work at 7:30 p.m. in the Gold Ballroom.
This reading is always top-notch… and the outfits are usually pretty good too. Who can forget last year when Maggie Glover wore her grandma’s 1970's mint green gown?
So put on your most creative writing-worthy outfit and prepare to be dazzled as the following “emerging writers” read from their theses:
Matt Buchanan: Cloud Shaped Room
Sarah Beth Childers: The Preacher and Other Essays
Lori D’Angelo: Advance and Retreat: A Collection of Stories
Rachel Rosolina: Empty Lungs: Essays
John Shumate: The Zombie Parade
Erin Veith: I had to shut my eyes to tell that story
Updated List of Undergrads Going to Grad School
Monday, April 27, 2009
The Good Works of Wendy Belcher
While I'm on the subject, Wendy also manages FLOURISH, a monthly electronic newsletter about scholarly writing and publication. Witty, breezy and empathetic, it's always a source of helpful hints and anecdotes. Archives and subscription information are here.
PWE Capstone Exhibition 4/28
[From Scott Wible]
PWE Concentration Capstone Exhibition
Tuesday, April 28
130 Colson Hall
Posters on Display: 10am - 4pm
Public Presentations: 4pm - 6pm
The exhibit will showcase the work that ENGL 491A students completed this semester during their Professional Writing and Editing internships. As is noted above, the posters will be on display all day in 130 Colson Hall, and you're invited to stop by at any time to see your fellow students' PWE work. During the public presentation portion of the event, you can ask the current ENGL 491A students any questions you might have about their internships . . . and you can enjoy Flyin' WV cookies and punch!
If you are a PWE concentrator or minor and plan to take the PWE capstone course (ENGL 491A) during an upcoming semester, come to the poster exhibit to get an idea of internship positions you might want to pursue -- and get a preview of the poster exhibit you'll be participating in soon enough.
If you're new to or considering the PWE concentration or minor, you might wonder what professional writing students do once they reach the "real world." Come to the poster exhibit, then, and gain a better idea of the types of places where professional writers work and the kinds of writing projects they produce.
If you have any questions about this event or would like more information, please feel free to contact me at
MA Hooray
Donald E. Hall's Latest Book

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Academic Blogosphere: Academic Cog
Friday, April 24, 2009
CFP: The Louisville Conference

The 38th annual Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900 will be held at the University of Louisville, February 18-20. Critical papers may be submitted on any topic that addresses literary works published since 1900, and/or their relationship with other arts and disciplines (film, journalism, opera, music, pop culture, painting, architecture, law, etc).
Work by creative writers is also welcome.
Visit our website for complete submission guidelines:
Click on *First Call for Papers*
Group Societies are welcome. Prearranged panels are also welcome.
Deadline for submission is September 15, 2009 (postmarked).
If you missed the _Calliope_ reading too...
These digital recordings are free, portable, and relatively harmless... so download them all! Great for road trips, flights to summer conferences, etc.
And let's not forget EGO

---The English Grad Organization, which must be Ken.
"Against Readings" at The Chronicle
Lori D'Angelo to the rescue

Thanks to current COW president Lori D'Angelo for reminding the blog what COW stands for: Council of Writers.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
If you're kicking yourself...
And a wonderful time was had by all...
As early as 3:00 p.m. yesterday, parents were milling about in anticipation of the 4:00 p.m. English 418 Capstone reading. In addition to the creative writing faculty you might expect to see there---Professors High, Smith, Mitchell, and Samyn (Harms and Oderman were excused on account of teaching; Brazaitis was drinking wine or riding horses or trying to quiet attack dogs and parrots somewhere far, far away; Adams, in her darling cowgirl boots, was missed, of course)---Professors Brady, Lamb, Hathaway, and Blount were in attendance.
And as a Hathaway reported later (though, truth to be told, she left a little early…), there was “not a cringe-worthy moment anywhere!”
Just as impressive as the students’ writing were the intros by the MFA mentors. As is often the case, mentors and mentees alike marveled at the just right-ness of the pairings.
There were also many expressions of gratitude to the mentors and professors with whom the students have worked----to which we say: thanks and right back at ya.
Thanks, as well, to Marsha Bissett for designing the program and seeing to it that our event got its fair share of Flying WV cookies (which, one assumes, are baked by the thousand each day and gobbled up all over campus).
Congratulations to the undergraduates: Patrick Reiser, Jose Barreiro, Alyson Murphy, Jessica Dyche, Aubrey Mondi, Micah Holmes, Anthony Pardo, Maria Goodson, Nicole Bartow, Bryce Post, Andy Smith, Megan Wood, Samantha Bialek, Jared Martin, Michael Belknap, Holt Barnitz, Ilene Funck, Jeremy Gill.
Thanks to their mentors: Matt Buchanan, Danielle Ryle, Lori D’Angelo, Christina Rothenbeck, Sarah Beth Childers, Charity Gingerich, Aaron Hoover, Kori Frazier, Heather Frese, Tori Moore, Tony Clavelli, Renee Nicholson, Lori D’Angelo (yes, again!), Aaron Rote, Erin Veith, Ashley Jenkins, Emily Watson, Jason Freeman.
See you next time!
Vaguely Relevant Graphic Interlude to Celebrate the Writing Awards
Faculty and Staff Recognition
Jay Dolmage
for “Metis, Metis, Mestiza, Medusa: Rhetorical Bodies across Rhetorical Traditions”
Eberly College’s James and Arthur Gabriel/Gabriel Brothers Faculty Award
Cari Carpenter
Eberly College Outstanding Teacher Award
Catherine Gouge
Eberly College Outstanding Researcher Award
Cari Carpenter
WVU Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching
Catherine Gouge
Senate Research Grant
Emily Mitchell
Mary Ann Samyn
Riggle Fellowship
Emily Mitchell
Kayode Ogunfolabi
Eberly College Outstanding Staff Award
Cynthia Baniak
Graduate Recognition
Jon Harvey
Nevena Stojanovic
Stephen Crocker Scholarship
Luminita Dragulescu
Rebecca Mason Perry Award
2007-08 M.A. Recipient: Morgan Richards
2007-08 M.F.A. Recipient: Emily Watson
2006-07 M.F.A. Recipient: Sarah Beth Childers
Zierold Creative Writing Award
Sarah Einstein
Eberly College Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2008-2009
Jason Stupp
Department of English Exemplary Teacher, 2008-2009
Jessica Queener
Emily Watson
Graduate Expository-Writing Awards
James Paul Brawner Expository-Writing Awards
First Place
Jericho Williams
“The Difficulty Will Not Me Offend: William Craft’s Reshaping of John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress in Running a Thousand Miles from Freedom”
Instructor: John Ernest (English 741)
Second Place
Teresa Pershing
“Lesbian (Out)Skirts: A Consideration of Lesbian Representation via Pop Culture Figures”
Instructor: Dennis Allen (English 782)
Third Place
Sarah Beth Childers
“Cursed Be All Such Magicians!: Medieval Romance Conventions and Contemporary Attitudes and Practices in Beroul’s The Romance of Tristan”
Instructor: Lara Farina (English 661)
Graduate Creative-Writing Awards
Russell MacDonald Creative-Writing Awards
Fiction Division
Jason Kapcala
“After the Fire”
Instructor: Mark Brazaitis (English 618A)
Nonfiction Division
Rachel Rosolina
“I & is & her”
Instructor: Mary Ann Samyn (English 632)
Poetry Division
Ashley Ryle
A group of poems
Instructor: Jim Harms (English 618)
Undergraduate Recognition
Eleanor Tucker Donley Memorial Scholarship
Amanda Berardi
Alexandra Castillo
Susan Crayne
Ahna Lewis
Sara Matheny
Benjamin Welton
Elena Illa Graham Memorial Scholarship
Amanda Berardi
Virginia Butts Sturm Creative Writing Scholarship
Kelly Sundberg
Virginia Butts Sturm English Scholarship
Sara Lewis
Rachel Viglianco
McKay Coast Scholarship
Carolyn Brewer
Nicholas Fagundo
Elsie M. and Ethel M. Jones Scholarship
Chelsea Clagg
Alysse Thompson
Eberly College Outstanding Senior English Major
Daniel Summers
Captain William Neely Award
Chelsea Clagg
Peterson Award
Brianna Leigh Lovell
Students Elected to Phi Beta Kappa
Jessica Duda
Chelsea Findlay
Rachel Hopkins
Jamie Kegg
Erin Long
Christa Lough
Sarah Massey
Jesse Potts
Daniel Summers
Sarah Vacovsky
Brittney Warnick
2008-2009 Inductees into Sigma Tau Delta
Nicole Bartow
Alexandra Castillo
Erin Dibbern
Jessica Dyche
Anthony Fabbricatore
Amanda Farley
Derek Fox
Ilene Funck
Lindsay Gainer
Kellen Harper
Iram Hasan
Ashley Herdman
Jaime Kegg
Lyndsey Loughry
Delhi Lucas
Carrie Martin
Austin Maynard
Jessica Murphy
Aimee Smith
Jennifer Stanley
Kelly Sundberg
Benjamin Welton
Vanessa White
Faculty Advisor: Emily Mitchell
Undergraduate Expository-Writing Awards
Jon Scott Nelson First-Year Writing Awards
Ashley Brown
“Perfect Imperfections”
Instructor: Jason Kapcala
Christopher Kees
“The Road to Social Righteousness (or How I Learned to Pick Up Girls)”
Instructor: Rebecca Schwab
Amy Purpura
“The Catch-22 of Medical Marijuana”
Instructor: Mary Angel Blount
Megan Thomas-Stevens
“The Selfish Gift I Gave That was Returned”
Instructor: Joy Greene
George Case, Owen Funck, Johanna Haggerty, Kenneth Hite, and Tessa Turek
“Energy Is Great”
Instructor: Randi Smith
Jon Scott Nelson Professional Writing and Editing Awards
First Place
Mark Guido
“Description of a Compound Light Microscope”
Instructor: Carolyn Nelson (English 305)
Second Place
Erin Long
“A Study of a Professional Book Editor at the West Virginia University Press”
Instructor: Scott Wible (English 301)
Third Place
Ashley Monahan
“Morgantown Vet Center Outreach”
Instructor: Elizabeth Juckett (English 304)
James Paul Brawner Expository Writing Awards
First Place
Marie Pellegrino
“Empowering the Feminine in M. Butterfly”
Instructor: Ryan Claycomb (English 342)
Second Place
Jessica Duda
“Gender and Family Dynamics in Bram Stoker’s Dracula and
Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire ”
Instructor: Adam Komisaruk (English 496)
Third Place
Jessica Murphy
Instructor: Ethel Smith (English 314)
First Place
Joanna Thompson
“Informed Argument Paper―Final Draft”
Instructor: Andrea Bebell
Second Place
Kelly Bryant
“Twilight Takes a Bite Out of Feminist Movement”
Instructor: Erin Johns
Third Place
Brandy Hoover
“A National Disaster: Rebuilding a Welfare System Broken by Reform”
Instructor: Ryan Claycomb
Undergraduate Creative-Writing Awards
Jon Scott Nelson Freshmen Creative Writing Awards
First Place
Hannah McPherson
Instructor: Mary Angel Blount (English 212)
Second Place
Abra Sitler
“The Syrian Date”
Instructor: Jo Ann Dadisman
Third Place
Amy Purpura
“The Ugly Sore Covered by Makeup”
Instructor: Mary Angel Blount (English 103)
Waitman Barbe Creative Writing Awards
Fiction Division
Andi Stout
“Sustained Joy”
Instructor: Emily Mitchell (English 212)
Honorable Mention:
Hayley Burdett
Instructor: Emily Mitchell (Independent Study)
Non-fiction Division
Kelly Sundberg
“This is My Secret”
Instructor: Jim Harms (English 418)
Honorable Mention:
Aubrey Mondi
“Saving Skinhead Burton”
Instructor: Mary Ann Samyn (English 418)
Poetry Division
Brandy Hoover
Group of Poems
Instructor: Jim Harms (English 313)
Honorable Mention:
Keegan Lester
Group of Poems
Instructors: Mary Ann Samyn and Lauren Reed
Loop '08 (Online Literary Magazine)
At last, the CLC is ready to present the latest Loop! This year’s version includes:
1) Fakebook, by Emily Watson (with Sandy Baldwin and Jon Harvey)
2) Monongozon, by John Shumate and Matt Buchanan (with Jon Harvey)
3) Doll Baby Soul Angels, by Beth Staley (with Jeremy Justus and Nick Hales)
4) A special Rickroll, by Sandy Baldwin
Loop projects showcase creative writing and interactive multimedia. Each project has been lovingly and painstakingly crafted by creative writers, CLC denizens, and other English department folks, so please check them out. They’re a great diversion from end-of-semester stress. You can click on the link below to go directly to Fakebook and browse the other projects via the "banner ads" to the right:
Or check out our own Myspace page which acts as a homepage for all the
Shop for a Meat Shirt at Monongazon! Peer into the insular lives on
Fakebook! Create your own fantastic doll on DBSA! Or get Rickrolled
like you’ve never been before (sound included)!
Enjoy… Thanks to all who contributed.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Doctoral Conference Presentations, Part 4
Andrea Bebell:
“‘Pass the Plum-Pudding’: Resistance and Community Building in Flora Annie Steel’s The Reformer’s Wife.” Victorians Institute Conference: DISRUPTING VICTORIAN STUDIES: Inconvenient Facts, Shocking Discoveries, Surprising Events, Forgotten Voices, Unknown Writings, Mangled Texts, University of South Carolina, Columbia, October 3-4, 2008
"Subaltern Maternalism in Baharati Mukherjee's The Holder of the World," The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture Since 1900, University of Louisville, February 19-12, 2009
Luminita Dragulescu:
“Spiegelman’s Maus: Negotiating between Personal Trauma and Restorative History,” The 32nd WVU Colloquium on Language and Literature, Morgantown, WV, 13-15 September, 2008
Courtney Novosat:
"Digital Literacy: Information Revolution (in a Capitalist Bell Jar?)," College English Association, Pittsburgh, March 26-28, 2009
EGO Last Lecture: Ryan Claycomb
Looking for an interesting summer course but don't have six weeks to dedicate to it?? English 230- Film Studies will meet at 9-11:45 daily from May 18th to June 8th. The class will offer an introduction to the study of film and will focus on three of the central components of film and film studies: narrative, miseen-scene, and cinematography.
Discuss great movies and have your afternoons free!
For more information contact: John Lamb (
Monday, April 20, 2009
Doctoral Conference Presentations, Part 3
Jim Greene:
“Speech and Memory; Text and History: Transcribing the Crispus Attucks Commemorations,” Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 27-30, 2008
Jeremy Justus:
“Autopoeitic Meta-et-cetera: The Body in the Blind Spot in Hassan Elahi’s Tracking Transience.” The Louisville Conference on Literature and Culture since 1900. Louisville, KY. February 2009
“Web 2.0 and the Expansion of the Filmic Event.” Modern Language Association Conference. San Francisco, CA. December 2008
Lori Zerne:
"'What Wonder, What Strange Revolution': Gender, Class, and Pleasure Gardens in Evelina," Burney Society Conference, Newberry Library, Chicago, October 2-3, 2008
"'Too Much Beauty to Escape Notice': Women, Beauty, and Courtship Ideology in Frances Burney’s Evelina,"American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting, Richmond, March 26-28, 2009
Academic Blogosphere: University Diaries
Bolton Workshops: Meeting for Instructors
PWE Capstone Exhibition
Professional Writing and Editing (PWE) Capstone Poster Exhibition
Tuesday, April 28
130 Colson Hall
Posters on Display: 10am--4pm
Public Presentations: 4pm--6pm
The exhibit will showcase the work that ENGL 491A students completed this semester during their professional writing and editing internships.
This exhibition is a wonderful opportunity for the WVU community to learn more about how professional writers contribute to organizations on campus and throughout Morgantown. During this semester, students in the ENGL 491A capstone course worked as professional writers in various on-campus offices and local non-profit organizations, including the WVU Press; the WVU Business Incubator; the WVU Sexual Assault Prevention and Education Office; Positive Spin; and Monongalia County Literacy Volunteers.
The students’ poster exhibits will feature examples and analysis of the documents they produced during their respective internships. Their posters will be on display all day in 130 Colson Hall, and you're invited to stop by at any time to see the PWE students' work. During the public presentation at 4 p.m., the ENGL 491A students will be available to answer questions about their professional writing and editing internships.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Doctoral Conference Presentations, Part 2
Teresa Pershing, "Lesbian (Out)Skirts: A Consideration of Lesbian Representation via Pop Culture Figures," Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, New Orleans, April 8-11, 2009
Sohinee Roy, "South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: An Event that Launched a Process," South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Louisville, KY, November 7 – 9, 2008
Rebecca Skidmore Biggio, "Resurrecting the Black Prophet: The Politics of Insurrection in Pauline Carrington Bouve's Their Shadows Before," MLA, San Francisco, December 27-30, 2008
Doctoral Conference Presentations: Part 1
“The Architecture/Architexture of the Archive,” Modern Language Association Convention, San Francisco, CA, December 26 – 29, 2008
“Voicescapes in Dickinson’s Late Fragments,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Louisville, KY, November 7 – 9, 2008
“Editing Dickinson – Inevitable Antinomy, Architextural Possibility,” Association of Literary Scholars and Critics Conference, Philadelphia, PA, October 24 – 26, 2008
“Voice Loops through Brenda Hillman’s Pieces of Air in the Epic – Articulating the Social Lyric,” Lifting Belly High Conference on Women’s Poetry since 1900, Duquesne University, September 12 – 14, 2008
“‘Sequence ravelled / out of Sound –’ or ‘reach –’—Dickinson and the Provisions of Language,” Emily Dickinson International Society Discussion Institute, Amherst College, August 1 – 3, 2008
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Academic Blogosphere: Academhack
There's a truckload of great sites out there, but today, I'll simply post a link to Academhack, a site that posts tech tips for academics. Today's news is the new blackboard app for iPhone, but there are lots of great timesavers and useful tools out there...Consider starting with their Top Ten post.
Ph.D. Graduates, Spring 2009 Part 3
MFA Reading
Congratulations to the following MFA students who successfully defended their theses and will read from their work on Thursday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the Gold Ballroom of the Mountainlair.
Matt Buchanan (poetry). Committee: Jim Harms (chair), Mary Ann Samyn, John Lamb.
Sarah Beth Childers (nonfiction). Committee: Kevin Oderman (chair), Mark Brazaitis, Ellesa Clay High.
Lori D’Angelo (fiction). Committee: Mark Brazaitis (chair), Emily Mitchell, Kevin Oderman.
Rachel Rosolina (nonfiction). Committee: Kevin Oderman (chair), Ethel Morgan Smith, Mary Ann Samyn.
John Shumate (fiction). Committee: Mark Brazaitis (chair), Emily Mitchell, Mary Ann Samyn.
Erin Veith (poetry). Committee: Mary Ann Samyn (chair), Jim Harms, Mark Brazaitis.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Ph.D. Graduates, Spring 2009
Her committee consisted of Byron Nelson (Chair), Lara Farina, Robert Markley, Sandy Baldwin, and Adam Komisaruk.
Summer Grants for Doctoral Research
"The principal consideration for the Wilson Grant is the likelihood that the proposed activity will result in publication. Preference will be given to applicants who have already taken steps toward that end and can express their plans in concrete terms. The application should address the nature, significance, current status and intended direction of your project; as well as the specific ways in which it would benefit from the Wilson grant."
To Apply:
Please submit a brief cover letter with your name and project, along with CV and a one-page description of the project to Amanda Riley by Monday, May 4, 2009. The committee will review projects on a blind-submission basis, so please include your name only on the cover letter.
Email Ryan Claycomb. ryan [dot] claycomb [at] mail [dot] wvu [dot] edu
Outstanding Staff Award
Reading--Undergraduate Creative Writers
Graduate Fellowship
Teaching Award
Alumna News--Amy Colombo
Ph.D. Graduates--Spring, 2009 Part 1