Friday, April 30, 2010

Congratulations to our Graduating MFAs

And thanks for reading to us last night! It was an impressive showing, and on behalf of your fellow MFAs, the entire English department, and, especially, Mark, Jim, Kevin, Ethel, Ellesa, and Emily, I want to say that we’re proud of you and you’ll be missed. And we’ll be reading your work, we’re pretty sure.

Pictured above are the soon-to-be-famous writers: back row: Patrick Faller, Jason Kapcala, Aaron Rote, Tony Clavelli, Jason Freeman; front row: Ann Claycomb, Emily Watson, Kori Frazier, Lauren Reed.

1 comment:

  1. A really wonderful reading last night from a group of seriously talented writers. It was a delight to listen to you all. Congratulations everyone!
