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Always ready to read a paper to you..... From left to right: Ms. Bebell, Ms. Smorul, Dr. Greene, Ms. Queener. Not pictured but visually represented by her paper: Ms. Pershing. |
Ladies Locate the Pacific: U.S. Imperialism in Mary Krout's Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian Islands,” American Comparative
Literature Association. Toronto, ON, Canada; 4-7 April 2013.
“Sympathy with Leprosy and Judgment with
Necro-Poetics: Swinburne’s “The Leper” and the Dramatic Monologue”
Presented at “Forms and Fashions:” The
Fiftieth Anniversary Conference for The Journal of Victorian Poetry:
Morgantown, West Virginia (April 20, 2013)
“‘No Summer For
This Woman’: The Debt of Deborah in Davis’s Life
in the Iron Mills,” Midwest Modern Language Association: Women in
Literature Panel, November 2012
“ ‘Feared and
Hated’: Rethinking the X-Men as Homosexual Metaphor,” College of Wooster Global
Queerness Conference, October 2012
2013 “Creating Transnational ‘borderlands’ through Literature:
A Comparative Study of the fiction of Eilis Ni Dhuibhne and Mahasweta Devi”.
Proposal accepted for the National
Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio.
2012 “Public Cinema and the ‘Media-ted’ Revolution:
Corruption, Resistance, and the Contemporary Public Sphere in Rang de
Basanti [Paint me Yellow]”. 41st Annual
Conference on South Asia, Center for South Asia, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, USA. October.
Ryan Fletcher:
“’Where Our Sins Lie Unatoned’: Violence, Family, and Redemption in
Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska and the
Works of Flannery O’Connor.” RMMLA, Boulder,
CO: October 12, 2012.
Yvonne Hammond:
Mid-West Modern Language Association, November
Paper Presented: Extending Credit: Gender and
Social Recognition
Paper Presented: Behind Cell Doors: Prison Rape in U.S. Culture
Southwest Popular Culture
Association, February 2013
Paper Presented: Myth-taken Identities: Gender, Sex and Power
in Snow White
James Holsinger:
“Managing Uncomfortable Sessions in the
Writing Center.” Mid-Atlantic Writing Centers Association (MAWCA). California,
PA. April 2013. With Dr. Nathalie Singh-Corcoran, Alexis Smith, Amanda Clark,
and Rebecca Doverspike.
“Troubling Trans-Atlanticism: Dramatic
Publications and Closet Drama in Late Eighteenth-Century America.” American
Society for Theatre Research (ASTR). Nashville, TN. November 2012.
“‘For the Benefit of the Orphans and
Widows of Soldiers’: Performance, Payment, and Early American Theatrical
Advertisements.” Midwest Modern Language
Association (MMLA). Cincinnati, OH. November 2012.
Sharon Kelly:
Queer Orientalism of the Rubáiyát of Omar
Khayyám.” Queer Studies Conference, Asheville,
NC 4/5/13
“Battlestar Galactica and the Madwoman in
the Attic: The Interruption of the Apparition.”
Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts, Orlando, FL 3/23/13
“Millennials – Made in America” Keynote speech for the WPWV/Chapter ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Fall Meeting. November 2012.
“Millennials – Made in America” Keynote speech for the WPWV/Chapter ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) Fall Meeting. November 2012.
“Frontier Conflicts:
Endless Exploration and Gender Limits in World of Warcraft.”
Gaming Cultures across Three Continents. Bangor University,
Bangor Wales. May 8, 2013.
“The Healing Road:
Journeys through Grief in In Memoriam and Neil Peart’s Ghost Rider.” Victorian Poetry Journal Conference: Forms and Fashions.
April 18, 2013. West Virginia University.
“Being a Little More
Victorian: Nineteenth Century Mentoring Models and the Modern Composition
Classroom.” West Virginia Association of College English Teachers at Potomac
State College, Keyser, West Virginia. December, 2012.
Courtney Novosat:
“(Re)Imagining Nation: Radical
Reform and Women’s Utopian Fiction of Nineteenth-Century America,” NeMLA, 2013,
Boston, MA
Kind of Nonsense': Reverse Migration and the Paradox of Societal Expectation in
Ayi Kwei Armah’s Fragments." African
Studies Association (ASA), Baltimore, MD. November 21-24, 2013.
"The Game Changing WoW Effect: Binaries and Agency in World of Warcraft's Academic Research." Computer Gaming Across Cultures: Perspectives from Three Continents, Bangor University, Wales, UK, May 8, 2013
Aaron Percich:
"The Game Changing WoW Effect: Binaries and Agency in World of Warcraft's Academic Research." Computer Gaming Across Cultures: Perspectives from Three Continents, Bangor University, Wales, UK, May 8, 2013
Aaron Percich:
“Rereading, Writing, and Terror: Frank Harris’
Transatlantic Bombs.” Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois (January
9-12, 2014)
“Irish Mouths, English Tea(pot)s, French Eyes: Poe’s
Irish Oral(ident)ity.” American Literature Association, Boston, Massachusetts
(May 23-26, 2013)
“Secrets, Shadows, and the Sea: Cross-Constructive
Selfhood in Woolf’s The Voyage Out
and Conrad’s The Shadow Line.” Modern
Language Association, Boston, Massachusetts (January 3-6, 2013)
“Private v. Public
Selves: On Tweeting, Teaching, and Being a Graduate Student.” Modern Language
Association Conference. Chicago, IL; 9-12 January 2014.
"Displacing Rationality: Positioning Sensibility and Errancy in Godwin's Memoirs of the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman," American Comparative Literature Association.
Toronto, ON, Canada; 4-7 April 2013.
Jess Queener:
“Sentiment vs.
Sensation; Dickens vs. Gaskell”: RSVP Austin, TX, Sep. 2012
Katherine Richards:
“Showing the 'avatar': Representations of Powerful
Femininity in Louisa Stuart Costello's Memoirs
of Eminent Englishwomen.” East Central/American Society for Eighteenth
Century Studies (EC/ASECS)Baltimore, MD; November 1-3, 2012
“My Project is Sexy
and You Better Know It”—The Reterritorialization of Online Gaming by
Ivy League
Institutions at Computer Gaming Across Cultures: Perspectives from Three
Continents, Bangor University, Wales, UK, May 2013.
Reassessing the
Nuclear Public Sphere: Nuclear Counterpublics and Deabstracting the ‘Secret’
Bomb through Nucliteracy at MIT8-Media in Transition International
Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 2013.
“Leave the men where
they lay, they'll never see another day”: Retributive Femininity and the
Gendered Apocalypse in Joss Whedon’s Firefly” at the Eaton Science Fiction
Conference, University of California, Riverside, April 2013.
“Snakes and Ladders”:
Effectively Handing Tutor-Student Interaction in Writing Centers at Mid-Atlantic
Writing Centers Associations Conference (MAWCA), California University
of Pennsylvania, April 2013.
Nonplaces to Places: Gaining Agency from Trauma in Partition Rehabilitation
Camps” at the American Comparative Literature Association Conference (ACLA),
Toronto, Canada, April 2013.
“Being Maria:
Apocalyptic Modernism and Regendering the Messiah in Metropolis” at the Popular Culture and
American Culture Association Conference (PCA/ACA), at Washington, D.C.,
March 2013.
{Ed: Not surprisingly, he collapsed from exhaustion on May 20th near the statue of Hypnos, the Roman god of Conference Presentations, on the south side of Colson Hall's French Garden.}
{Ed: Not surprisingly, he collapsed from exhaustion on May 20th near the statue of Hypnos, the Roman god of Conference Presentations, on the south side of Colson Hall's French Garden.}
Kate Smorul:
“’A Very Human
Song’: The Aesthetics of Performance in Angelina Weld Grimké and Gwendolyn
Bennett,” Comparative Drama Conference,
April 2013
Johns Speese:
“Mater Sacer: Addie as Sublime Object in William
Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying.” Panel: Modernist Aesthetics and the Spectacle
of Violence. Modernist Studies Association Conference 14: Modernism and Spectacle. Las Vegas, NV. 19 October 2012.
Valerie Surrett:
“’Before We Went to Sameness’:
Dehumanizing Public Spaces in Lois Lowry’s The Giver.” 66th Annual RMMLA
Convention. Boulder, CO. 11 October 2012.
Jeff Yeager:
Jeff Yeager:
“Waiting for Lefty: Re-Reading In
Dubious Battle through Clifford Odets’s Drama.” The International Steinbeck Conference, San
Jose, CA. May 2, 2013.
“’All the Horses Share a
Common Soul’: Myth, Identity, and Deep Ecology in Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses and John
Steinbeck’s To a God Unknown. All the
Pretty Horses: the Cormac McCarthy Society’s 20th Anniversary
Conference. Berea, KY. March 7, 2013.
Phil Zapkin:
“The Hollow Plantain Stem: Shame, Masculinity, and the
Stability of Empire in Death and the
King’s Horseman.” Comparative Drama Conference. Stevenson University,
Baltimore, MD. (April 2013).
“Transcendent Silence: Christ’s Silence as Traumatic
Encounter with the Real in The York
Mystery Plays.” (anti)Foundations: An Interdisciplinary Conference.
Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA. (March 2013).
“‘What I Want to Be’: Performative Shaming and the
Maintenance of Empire in Cloud Nine.”
Global Queerness: Sexuality, Citizenship, and Human Rights in the 21st
Century. College of Wooster, Wooster, OH. (October 2012).
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